<aside> 👉 Please make a copy of this document and upload these templates to your CRM.


<aside> 💡 Would you like additional help to prepare for your Product Hunt campaign?

Check out how we help startups rank at the top of Product Hunt through a simple and proven process of taking care of the prep work.

We are 100% performance-based – if we don’t get you results, we don’t get paid.

Visit www.socialgrowthlabs.co to check out our case studies and schedule a call.


📋 General guidelines:

📧 Email

2 weeks before email

1 week before email (include ‘Coming Soon’ page)

1 day before email

🚀 Launch day

MID-launch day (EMAIL and SOCIALS)

Next day ‘thank you’ email (according to placement)

📲 Social Media Post Examples

If you have an existing product/are only introducing a new feature: